
Sunday, May 25

Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition (PC)

Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition is the PC release with Enhanced Graphics, new Nightmare Difficulty Mode, Theater Mode, allowing players the pleasure of viewing cutscenes and extended background information on characters, included Japanese subtitles and voice track, as well as the Smooth Operator DLC that are availabe for the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions. If you haven't already played one of the many Grasshopper Manufacture (GHM) games such as Killer 7, No more Heroes or Shadow of the Damned,  Killer is Dead will seem very bizare, and that's because it is. I mean, have you ever had to assassinate a train?!
Just one of the many Bizare Assassinations you'll have to carry out.

    Dark Side of the Moon

Killer is Dead protagonist is Mondo Zappa, an assassin working for the state, no job is too big, or too absurd to pass down. The main story arc follows Mondo as he recovers his past memories in order to understand how he received his cybernetic arm and to put a stop to the nightmares that haunt him. Throughout the game, Mondo is tasked with killing other killers, hence the name Killer is Dead. The designated targets, influenced by the powers residing from the dark side of the moon, are corrupted, often times unwillingly or even without their knowledge, leaving a merciful kill  as the only course of action for players, giving players a greater sense to seek justice on this dark influence.

Upgrade menu available during and off missions.
Execution styles lets player choose between Health, Money,
Blood, and Health limit xp to increase your life bar.
GAMEPLAY - Killer is Dead gameplay mechanics are actually a great improvement from some of GHM previous games such as Killer 7 and No More Heroes. Gameplay is solid with responsive controls and a variety of tough and engaging enemies. One thing that really suprised me was the fact that the KB+M controlsworked so well. The controls are just as fluid and responsive with the KB+M setup as they are with a controller. Although the gameplay itself may not be as deep as other games such as Devil May Cry or Bayonneta, more of a hack and slash, the game does feel responsive and challenging enough that players will find the gameplay rewarding without blaming the game for their own mistakes. Killer is Dead has many upgrades, allowing  players to prioritize speed, range, or attack strength to their liking. Upgrades are available to purchase in game at anytime, very helpful when you find you need a little extra speed or attack power during a mission. Sub weapons for Mondo's left arm are only unlockable during the Gigolo Missions.That is, you have to romance a beauty in order to receive additional weapons. These missions, although very much a spectacle at first, quickly become repetitive and dull. With the same two or three responses repeating for each beauty, the gameplay during these missions becomes more of a chore than enjoyment. You'll find yourself playing these once or twice for each beauty to acquire your new weapon and forgetting about them for the rest of the game. The gameplay is simple, ogle the beauties while they're not looking to work up the guts to give them presents, in the hopes that they give you a little something in return. Although staring too much at your beauties will just leave you with a face full of wine. 
Mondo should have listened to Seinfield's advice.

Graphics and Performance - Both aesthetically beautiful, and amazing in performance. The graphics in Killer is Dead are stunning, even using fraps to record, the game still runs at a smooth 60fps. Although the option to enable 60fps is not available ingame, there is a simple solution that makes it an easy affair. This review copy was played on an Intel core i7 950, 8gb of ram, and a GTX 570, a very midrange PC, at 60fps, even with fraps recording, it's a smooth operator indeed. With no crashes or freezes during my entire gameplay, I must say I was impressed with the fact that this game did not need a day one patch as we're seeing with so many games now. Although it would be nice to have an update with an option to set the framerate unlocked from ingame, great job so far GHM.

Killer is Dead, and as GHM games go, emphasizes style over substance, both in narrative and gameplay sadly.Although  many fans of GHM will have already realize long before starting the game what to expect, new players will have to get used to the type of game that puts style and experiences over deep fighting mechanics and a coherent narrative, and may not find the hilarious and absurd story enough to outweigh the lack of development and simple gameplay mechanics. As a fan I feel this is their best game yet, in terms of presentation, gameplay, graphics and performance. Fans of GHM will enjoy this game, undoubtedly the best game yet, if you've already tried other GHM games and did not enjoy them, I feel you will get the same reaction from this game. With a captivating  playthrough of 13hrs 58mins, the ability to replay the game with all your upgrades intact, Killer is Dead's simple yet solid gameplay and absurdly entertaining storyline help put this game at a solid 8/10.

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