
Thursday, October 25

LBC&HC a Week Away

Xαίρετε! Yes, rejoice, Ladies, gentlemen, comic nerds, gaming geeks and the Subculture'd for the Long Beach Comic and Horror Con shall grace LB shores on November 3 and 4 with its convention presence.  

This year's convention list of artists, actors, and internet personalities span over 100 guests including Angus Oblong, creator of Adult Swim's dysfunctional mutant family The Oblongs, The Guild's Sandeep Parikh, and Barbara Randall Kesel, a comic writer who's worked on the infamous Watchmen comic. 

From a Battlestar Galactica Fan club to a Suicide Girls table to artist corners, the show floor features over 100 different booths. (Click here to see the entire list)

Mike Scigliano, who's in charge of the convention's floor management, logistics and guest relations, said, "We look to keep our guest list fresh from year to year as to have new guests and attendees to be excited about."

Costumers with Seth Green at LBCC 2011
"Some factors," Scigliano said, "we need to consider is the location of where a potential guest lives, what sort of travel needs they have . . . We also keep tabs on who the attendees are looking for. Each of these factors weigh in when building our guest list."

Guests and attendees may also look forward to panels and workshops galore. These activities range from topics such as graphic horror to podcasting 101 and from a workshop about comic and manga production to womanthology.

The programming schedule shows the many different workshops running from 11 a.m. through 5 a.m. on both November 3 and 4.

Cerritos tattoo artist Makoto Faller said, "Last years comic con was very enjoyable." The frantic chaos of the convention, the Long Beach Zombie Walk, the Wall Street protesters and, of course, the free comics, the hot chicks "and Felicia Day" proved a very fun scene for the Cerritos resident.

In regards to this year's Long Beach comic con, Faller said, "I'm not too hyped about it since I 'm too sidetracked on going to [the] San Diego Comic Con. He added, however, he would go to the 2012 LBC&HC if his friends were going.

The Guild's Vince Caso and Felicia Day at LBCC 2011
Fernando Shackeford, who attended the 2011 LBCC and is looking forward to next week, said, "The atmosphere was great. Everyone was so excited to be there [and] it just felt awesome."

With the Long Beach Comic and Horror Convention just a week away, Scigliano stated that he looks forward to seeing his many friends and convention fans who attend year after year.

Scigliano said, "For all of us, there is nothing more gratifying than seeing happy people leave the convention center each night. And who doesn't love Long Beach? It's gorgeous."

Tickets for next week's convention are still available for purchase at the official Long Beach Comic Con website. Future attendees may purchase Saturday and Sunday tickets for $25 and $20 respectively. Several weekend deluxe packages are also available. These deals come with specific goodies, such as signed comic prints from various authors and artists.

For more information on ticket sales, programming schedules, artists and other convention news feel free to visit and browse the LBCC website.

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