
Wednesday, June 12

A Movie Review of The Purge (2013) and Welcome Back!

They are back! Yes they are! Movie Reviews!
Because you requested them! (not really)

Here at Subculture Times, we like to give you more content! and we are going to bring back our written content, because I know you are tired of those pesky videos (which you can check out over HERE).

Before I start my rant... I mean... review, I feel like I need to give my little disclaimer to everyone reading:
All I ask is that you keep in mind that I AM NOT a professional critic of any sort, and all my reviews mean nothing. I write not to tell you that something is good, or terrible; but simply to share my opinion.
Read with an open mind and feel free to contact me and tell me how wrong I am about everything.
So with that out of the way, lets get to the review!

A Movie Review of The Purge (2013)

In a the very near future, the US Government has implemented what the call "The Purge", which is an annually held, 12-hour period, where there are no laws and people can commit any crimes with no repercussions, even murder. Great premise! The movie is about a family that is being attacked by a group of people, for protecting the group's target for the purge.

It is the night of the purge, and the Sandin family are ready to lock down for the night. Everything seems to go according to plan, until the youngest son Charlie hears a man yelling for help outside on the streets. In Charlie's infinite wisdom, he decides to let this stranger into the house. Soon after there is a group outside demanding the family give them their "kill for the night" and insist that they will not hesitate to break in and kill everyone. It is the purge after all.

This movie is not great. I'm not saying don't go watch it, I'm saying don't expect much from it. First of all, most of the actors are not that great. And that antagonist! I wont spoil The Purge, but I found his acting a little over the top. And speaking of antagonist, "wearing a mask" is so cliche, I feel they could had done away with it completely. Beside the acting I also noticed that they kept using close-up shots, maybe to convey that they are trapped. I also saw this movie on the bottom rows so everything was up close, but the comment stands. Shaky camera and cheesy jump scares round off this not-so-great movie.

But not all is bad. Ethan Hawke gave a great performance and is easily the best part of the movie. There is some good suspense towards the middle, and also some good gore moments that the horror fan in me really enjoyed. I feel like the end was really solid, and you can feel the tone of the movie change as the sun rises. One last thing i want to comment on is the way the news serve to explain a little about how the purge came to be; and the psychological aspect of it, as well as the economic ramifications that it has had on the american society. I thought that was a neat way to explain it without having to stop the plot or interrupt it at some point.

Overall The Purge is just another suspense movie, with a healthy amount of killings at the end. Its a fun movie, but not a great movie. This is a type a movie you watch a year or two after it comes out, and you go "Hey! that movie looked interesting" It is a good idea, a decent execution, but at then end a very forgettable film. 
Movie Score: 

  • 7/10 
  • P (O.W.L. Standards, its a Harry Potter thing, look it up) 

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